
The love of golf is not new to the world; the sport has been actively played since the 1450s and has been growing in popularity ever since. We provide information on the culture, tradition, history, and culture of the game of golf and its place in the UK.

About the History of Golf

Golf is known to have been found on the eastern coast of Scotland. The sport was played with pebbles and sticks on dunes. The sport was so popular in Scotland that the parliament of King James II banned the sport in 1457 as most men were neglecting their military training to play golf.

The popularity of the sport quickly spread throughout Europe during the 16th-century thanks to the endorsement of the sport by King Charles and Mary Queen of Scots. The term ‘Caddy’ is still used today and comes from the name of Mary Queen of Scot’s French military aides, who were subsequently known as cadets.

With the origins of golf being from Scotland, the first-ever international championship of the sport was held in Edinburgh in 1682. Golf became an official sport when Gentlemen Golfers of Leith formed the first-ever golf club and set up championships where players could win silverware prizes. Many of the rules which were prominent in the early days of golf are still used today.

Golf in the UK Today

Golf is one of the most popular sports in the UK. In fact, England has the highest volume of registered golf courses in Europe, standing at a staggering 1872 golf courses. There is no other country that comes even close to that number, with the second-most golf course being Germany’s 731. This shows just how popular the sport is in the UK and how both the amateur and professional series are gaining more popularity each year.

Visit Rusper Golf Club frequently for the latest in golf news.